Link archive »
My Discord server - Chat about games, programming, etc.
Art Station - My art station account
Deviantart - Art community Where I once upon a time was active
Sharkmob - Where I work at
My Twitch - Where I stream once in a blue moon...
Solem Game Insights - My YouTube-channel
My Twitter - I'm actually quite active on Twitter
Pexels - Pexels is a fantastic free images resource
Envato Elements - Sell, get for free, or buy rights to images and other art resources
Motion Array - Video-focused resource for finding good video clips, but lots of other things also
Art Station - My art station account
Deviantart - Art community Where I once upon a time was active
Sharkmob - Where I work at
My Twitch - Where I stream once in a blue moon...
Solem Game Insights - My YouTube-channel
My Twitter - I'm actually quite active on Twitter
Pexels - Pexels is a fantastic free images resource
Envato Elements - Sell, get for free, or buy rights to images and other art resources
Motion Array - Video-focused resource for finding good video clips, but lots of other things also